
2 min

Let's not repeat ourselves!

A new date seeing our “beaten” earth turning around the immense star that gives us life, another year that passed with experiences marked, some by charm, and others by pain. In any case, at the end of this 365-day cycle, we are once again pleased to receive a new year, another opportunity to achieve the goals set, another destination programmed to achieve the world we dream of.

Without resolutions, life is an incalculable cold road that will lead us nowhere because, even if we do, we will continue to be coincidence, lack of control and we will never verify the strength of our inner being to propose, create, achieve, and at the same time, giving a little of ourselves in pursuit of the transformation of our world and that of others. Without programmed objectives, we will let ourselves be carried away by the “insipid” current of the philosophers of life without objectives or, what was an economic doctrine of the physiocrat Du Pont: “Laissez faire, laissez passer”. We cannot continue insisting on this “let go, let go” if we want our 2024 to be the one we long for.

There are many maxims to reference within this editorial that promote action in obtaining the attitude and aptitude to change, but the one that best fits and the one that I prefer for its message and, above all, for who expressed it, is that simple but powerful phrase: “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Its author, Albert Einstein, a genius scientist who solved life with the simple idea of not doing the same thing if you want to achieve different things. The year 2024 is an opportunity to renew our personal purposes and goals. It is time to reflect on what we want to achieve and take concrete actions to achieve our dreams. Let's be brave and dare to leave our comfort zone. Every day is an opportunity to grow, learn and become the best version of ourselves.

As a society, we have learned in recent years to face global challenges that have reminded us of the importance of solidarity, resilience and adaptability. We have united to overcome crises and have shown that together we can achieve incredible things. It is important that we remember the values that have brought us here. Empathy and compassion must continue to be the driving force of our desires and actions. We must work together to build a more inclusive, fair and sustainable world. It is time to make conscious and responsible decisions that benefit everyone, regardless of our differences.

As we move into the future, let us not neglect our humanity. We must not forget the importance of interpersonal relationships, emotional support and genuine connection with others. Technology can make our lives easier, but it should never replace the value of a smile, a hug or a face-to-face conversation.

It is the right time to motivate ourselves to start a path that is not always easy: that of change. Let's honestly analyze the results that 2023 brought us, generate possible and simple resolutions, Achievable!, and let's not leave its developments in the pipeline; Discipline and perseverance to achieve those “small” goals will surely bring us better results than those achieved last year. It is not complicated to visualize and set out on the path, conceiving and managing your process will represent a continuous improvement, putting it into practice will enrich our souls, those we love and those of the world, without condemning us to repeat ourselves over and over again.

Oscar Arenas