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You don't have to fill voids, you have to inhabit the spaces!

Welcome, everyone, to this first edition of LATINOS MAGAZINE. It is an immense honor for us, a source of pride and happiness, to present to the entire Latin American community in southwest Florida, this new communication project, based on two important pillars: responsibility in information and high quality in work that, without Without a doubt, they will allow us to share experiences, they will lead us to learn, with severity and good treatment of language, the most important issues at the local, national and international level.

Aware that in these times magazines are a powerful tool to transfer information to all sectors, which in other eras books did exclusively, we are a special magazine, we mark substantial differences compared to others, in all aspects related to written and visual communication, with an unrestricted and total commitment to bring you the most varied content that represents the interests of our Latin community in the area.

In LATINOS MAGAZINE, based on the richness of varied and extensive content, the development and understanding of advertising will be revealed in favor of readers as a manager of means for communication, never, on the contrary. We will not be like those pages filled with advertising to support some style of wealth. We will not aim for a magazine with a high degree of visual “contamination”, where the content is lost among a meaningless commercial “thickness”.

We do not have to fill the voids, we have to inhabit the spaces, and we will do this at LATINOS MAGAZINE, because you, dear readers, will be part of our family.