
3 min

The triumph of faith, love, effort and determination

“Therefore, whoever hears these words of mine and does them, I will compare him to a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, and the rivers came, and the winds blew and beat against it; and it did not fall, because it was founded on the rock."
Matthew 7:24-25   

In a world full of opportunities, the success story of Gabriela González and Miguel Pérez, a Hispanic couple, is a clear example of how faith, love, effort and determination can open doors to a prosperous future. With an extensive history of 23 years in the car business, Miguel and Gabriela have managed to establish on the rock one of the most important car rental companies in southwest Florida: Naples Rental Car.

This couple of love, entrusted to God as a hidden treasure, whose Hispanic origin they are proud to carry with them, have been married for 10 years and have shown that every dream can be achieved. Parents of three beautiful children, Santiago, Jacobo and Aira, Gabriela emigrated from Venezuela when she was barely 12 years old and Miguel was born in New Jersey, preserving with strong power his Dominican roots. They both agree with the firm desire to build a prosperous future for themselves and the community with whom they work, always under the shadow of God. Through their hard work and dedication, they have created a business legacy that will leave a mark on our area community.

Miguel, with a passion for cars from an early age passed on by his father, has forged a consistent career in the automotive business. His knowledge and experience in the sector have allowed him to establish himself as the best in the car rental business. His ability to understand his clients' needs and provide them with exceptional service has been key to his company's success.

An excellent manager, Gabriela has played a critical role in the growth and stability of Naples Rental Car. Her ability to efficiently manage resources and maintain financial balance has been crucial in ensuring the continued growth of her business. In addition, his charisma and social skills have helped establish stable relationships with clients.

Naples Rental Car is the preferred and best-rated business in the area, above the large corporations, it is chosen because its cars are new and always compete with an affordable price, below the market average. Their successes have been multiplied, blessings have been rewarded in abundance when they decide to share their company with their workers. They also affirm that, without Celia Esquilin, Henry Ramírez, Julio Saldaña and the other associates, they would not have been able to achieve what they achieved.

But beyond their business triumph, they are an inspiring example of how hard work and perseverance can make a difference in people's lives. They have shown that dreams are still a reality for those willing to fight for them. Her story is a reminder that, no matter our background or circumstances, we all have the potential to achieve success. His example teaches us that, through prayer, effort, creativity, intelligence, kindness and generosity, we can overcome any obstacle and build a prosperous future for ourselves and the community.

Gabriela and Miguel have shown us that success is not reserved for a privileged few, but is within the reach of those willing to work hard for it. His story is a testimony that dreams can come true when combined with faith, love for others, determination and entrepreneurial spirit. As they say: “life is full of ups and downs, but with faith as our co-pilot, we will always reach our destination.”