
2 min

Art as a space for reflection in difficult times

For centuries, art has been a means of expression and reflection, capable of letting off steam, transmitting emotions and provoking deep thoughts. In times of difficulty, like those we are currently experiencing, art becomes a refuge, a tool to explore, understand and make our reality understood.

First of all, art is a means of escape from daily routine and stress. From the artist's point of view, it allows the “eviction” of those complicated sensations in the face of pain, anguish or sadness; and from that stage, those who enjoy it manage to immerse themselves in imaginary worlds or narratives that transport them to different times and places. This ability to escape offers a respite from everyday problems and helps us find emotional balance.

Art invites us to reflect on the challenges and difficulties we face as a society. Artists, through their works, can address social, political or economic issues, and question the status quo. Their creations awaken our curiosity and encourage us to think beyond our immediate reality.

On the other hand, it also helps us process our emotions and find comfort in difficult times. Works of art, whether paintings, sculptures, dance, theater, film, design, photography, architecture, music or literature, have the power to convey universal feelings and experiences. They allow us to connect with our own emotions and empathize with the experiences of others.

In times of crisis, it can be a way to channel anguish and uncertainty. Many artists have found inspiration in times of adversity, using their creativity as a form of resistance. Edvard Munch, in “The Scream”, found relief from the death of his mother. Goya accessed, at Quinta del Sordo, the best therapy to alleviate all his ills. Picasso, with his Guernica, represented the massacre and death, and still facing his work, we demand the non-repetition of the act. Isabel Allende, the Chilean writer, confesses that most of her works have been a catharsis for her life, and it has been for ours.

Art helps us find new perspectives and solutions to the problems we face. It challenges us to think creatively, question our beliefs, and consider different points of view. Through it, we can explore possibilities and find inspiration to overcome obstacles.

Art becomes a space for reflection in difficult times, offering a way to escape reality, explore complex topics, process emotions and find new perspectives. In times of adversity, art reminds us of the importance of creativity and imagination as tools to face life's tough challenges.

Oscar Arenas