
3 min

Dr. Atilio E. Palma, Latin pride

NASA, "Neuroscience and Spine Associates", is a medical organization with headquarters in Fort Myers and Naples, specializing in neurology, neurosurgery, pain management and orthopedics. Established since 1996 by a group of neurologists and neurosurgeons with extensive experience, they combine the technological resources and experience of each of their specialists to provide their patients with the necessary and timely medical care, within a friendly administrative environment.

NASA Neuroscience, at its headquarters located at 6101 Pine Ridge in Naples, and in accordance with its quality principles, has, among its specialists, the invaluable services of Dr. Atilio Edgardo Palma Jr.. Dr. Palma was born in Honduras, in the always warm and beautiful city of San Pedro Sula 40 years ago, of immigrant parents, is an expert and qualified neurosurgeon, graduated as a doctor from Loma Linda University School of Medicine in 2014, and specialized in neurosurgery from Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center in 2021. In his usual career as a great student and excellent professional, he was appointed resident head of the Department of Neurosurgery at the latter university entity.

His successful career surpasses the boundaries of fully fulfilling his intellectual "traits", as one of the best researchers, and as a dedicated professional. Driven by his Hispanic roots, and given his unquestionable interest in the community, Dr. Atilio Palma, from a very young age, while fulfilling his academic responsibilities between 2009 and 2010, actively belonged to the American Association of Latino Students with his community service. In 2011 he was its president, at the same time that he was involved, as an officer, in the Surgeons Interest Group until 2014.

Dr. Palma was awarded honors and awards while studying, with which he was able to stoically support his finances. For his brilliance, he was awarded three meritorious scholarships: one from Loma Linda University, another from the Hispanic Student Association, and a final one from the North American Division of Adventist.

Due to his enormous intellectual career and rich professional capacity, Dr. Palma has been the guest of honor at countless events of specialists in the field to present his scientific criteria. He has also been an author, co-author and collaborator in renowned and very successful publications on topics related to his specialization studies.

North American society is full of talented and persevering people, and the fact that, within this outstanding group, is Dr. Atilio Edgardo Palma Jr., is a more than notable task, and fills us with deep pride. Examples of life like that of our featured character demonstrate the powerful force of our ethnicity, where obstacles become challenges. A categorical example of: everything you dream of is achieved, as long as hard work and absolute dedication come first. Atilio Palma is here, among us, for his community, opening gaps so that new generations of Latinos have greater opportunities, willing to help whenever needed.