
2 min

Of the “Non-Conventionals” and their Particularities

Unconventional children have a very peculiar soul. And that is where the parents of these children tend to make mistakes. They think they know them, they are convinced that there is nothing like the advice they insistently give them, they think that “their way” is the only option to go out and develop. Big mistake! That particular soul makes them look differently, feel differently, think differently, and express themselves contrary to established canons.

They then collide resoundingly. We don't understand them! It's that they come and tell us, just like that, and on the day that their soul can't take it anymore, that they want to be: musicians, plastic artists, dancers, filmmakers, soccer players, writers, chefs, stylists, actors, rappers, electricians, plumbers , and even magicians. And in a matter of seconds, and after shaking our head about four times from side to side, and not completely understanding, we came out with: .

In search of a quick assimilation of that absolute truth, which shocks us, is where we enter a spiral of total confusion. Begin a strip, that pulls”, and it is difficult to enter neutral ground. But, it is not for less. We come from an era where it was sacredly instilled that without a formal education, one would not have a promising future. We are part of the factory of lawyers, economists, administrators, architects, accountants, doctors and teachers. The formal ones have the sufficient and necessary structure to achieve all the proposed goals, the formal ones, all, without exception, turn out to be successful. What a great fallacy! And as much as I am passionate about academia and the foundation it provides, there is no guarantee of absolutely anything.

What works in life is a combination of multiple factors. It's never just one thing. And for the “unconventional” it is about breaking schemes, turning traditional things around, it is believing in other ways of living. They are moved by a sensitivity that we cannot understand. And when we finally feel like assimilating it, it is sometimes too late. They wither.

The unconventional soul needs to be understood, listened to and as much as possible supported. The unconventional soul needs us to start believing them, it is urgent to generate trust in them. And because of things in life, and because of our own archaic paradigms, non-conventional people must make an effort and dedicate themselves to what they do with much more vigor. Because somehow they must prove to the entire world that they were not wrong.

How ironic! As if we had it all figured out. Another big lie! Many of us are still searching to dedicate ourselves to what really moves us, excites us and identifies us. Because the true true, it is not the fault of the great-great-grandfather, great-grandfather, grandfather, or uncle that it turned out like this. From no one. Simply, it is the honest proposal of a being who longs to be autonomous.

Mom, Dad, most likely, one or both of you have a very unique soul. It's a shame that it was worn out, withered, withered...

Andrea Andre
Social Communicator-Journalist
university extership of Colombia
Bogota Colombia.
Human Resources Management Specialist
Technological University of Bolívar
Cartagena Colombia.