
2 min

Metaverse, a new world

We have heard and read the word "Metaverse" many times, as if it were the promotion or premonition of the encounter with a new universe. They are not so far from reality with this virtual theme. Metaverse is, without a doubt, the technological "revolution" today, and although it may seem a little strange, coexistence with this new virtual stadium is closer than you think. Important corporations in the world are already “embracing” the Metaverse.

Metaverse is the new virtual and three-dimensional "ecosystem", in which users can interact with each other in traditionally recognized environments, in a decentralized manner, through perfect graphic processes thanks to a powerful computer system and using virtual reality glasses as a means of entry. or increased. To make the explanation simpler, Metaverse will provide the user or users with a traditional environment chosen without the need to physically move to it, where they can interact with agents, similar in occupation and tastes, or can access explicit information, within the perfect space. of virtual reality.

Thus, and to be even clearer, they will be able, from the comfort of their home, to visit the desired tourist sites, the museums they have always dreamed of, and participate in work meetings. You can also visit the best fashion stores in Milan, try on everything and buy what looks best on you. You will attend the best concerts of your favorite artists from the comfort of your living room sofa. And, although it may be hard to believe, he will party with his friends at the best clubs around the world.

In the educational field, it is classified as a technological tool of very high value and of predominant usefulness because all the necessary information can be immediately accessed; It will have a positive impact, improving learning and education. Without putting human life at risk, for example, training surgeries will be carried out, or experiments with the advantage of three-dimensionality through the virtual reality of the Metaverse. There are many advantages of this new world. They will bring many benefits to the new society, with new business opportunities.

The idea of a more globalized society has been discussed in recent years. However, a concern with this trend is that they may lose touch or feel disconnected from their own cultures as they spend less time interacting within local communities and will instead rely heavily on virtual spaces such as those in the Metaverse. , where everyone lives very close, where everything “is at hand”. A world without borders, but also lacking any sense of individual and cultural identity as has never been seen before.

The metaverse is just beginning and, while there are many benefits, it is necessary to think about its disadvantages. We live in a technological world that has become an integral part of our lives. The Metaverse is one of those innovations that offers many benefits, but also has some drawbacks and concerns that people may have about using it. At the end of the exercise, it will always be up to us whether we want to make use of these new technologies or not, deciding how much information from this platform would benefit your life while retaining those things that do not.